RAHYAR Educational Complex
1. Definition:
Since establishing and reinforcing effective communications and creating a positive, supportive and efficient learning environment are tools of the quality education and quality schools, it is necessary to allocate enough time for reaching these fundamental elements. The first week of the academic year will be dedicated exclusively to actions and activities toward reaching these goals at school. Therefore the educational learning activities will begin the second week of the year
and in the schedule, the first week, instead of the design of the lesson topics, will be used for the design of an effective learning environment.
Reminder 1:
Creating an effective learning environment will not be solely limited to the first week of the academic year and will include the entire year. The first week, actually, will give time for beginning the operations and pursuing primary steps.
Reminder 2:
According to the remarks of the executive department, the time allocated to this
innovation will be 3 to 5 days.
2. Aims and assignments:
2.1. Creating the appropriate time and opportunity for developing the most important basis of quality teaching, quality classes and a quality school.
2.2. Creating appropriate time and opportunity for the fundamental actions regarding practical management of the classes (such as introduction, scheduling, planning and grouping)
3. Responsibilities:
-Initial preparatory measures: The Educational Design and Development Department
-Use and establishment at school: School principal-Human resources supply: School principal
-Supervision, Support and financial resources supply: The Managing Director
-Critical research support: Educational design and development department
-Educational system and project support: Organizational Excellence department
-Control and audit: The quality control system group
4. Description:
45.1. Phrases and definitions:
4.1.1. The comprehensive plan of the environment and relationship week is as
It is a comprehensive plan that determines the framework for the first week of school. This work acts as a guide for the use and implementation of various ideas and innovations during ERW, and provides efficient resources for the class
teachers. This work also provides the strategies for the following year in regards to human relationships, academic relationships, creating the environment and space for education and etc. This design should also be accepted by the organizational excellence department before implementation.
4.2. Other items of note:
4.2.1. The environment and relationship week should include the following
1. The Lesson plan for each class per lesson.
2. Similar to a regular lesson plan should be per lesson.
3. It should include a list and description of all the activities such as the practical management activities, games, solo activities, group activities and other ideas and innovations.
4. The timing and schedule for each activity should be specifically planned.5. The tools and facilities needed for implementation should be prepared and provided beforehand.
4.2.2. It is mandatory for the teachers to be familiarized with the aims, ideas, innovations, strategies and topics during the summer and they should have a clearvision for the lesson plan.
Academic Year Meeting (Year-End Meeting)
1. Definition:
A year-end meeting is an exclusive meeting between the assistant directors/vice principals and the students of respective grades and their parents, which takes place in the last days of the academic year (Approximately during the month of May) and each session can take from fifteen to sixty minutes.
2. Goals and missions:
2.1 Developing the right basis and opportunity for the parents to assess co- operations regarding the students' academic year.
2.2 Receiving ideas, innovations, suggestions, and criticisms from the students and their parents.
2.3 Transferring expertise and suggestions from the school’s faculty to the students and their parents, in order to elevate the students process of growth and learning.
2.4 Creating a basis to involve the students in the evaluation and self assessment process (which is the school number one priority).
2.5 Reinforcing the idea that the school has the utmost love and respect for the students, especially their durability (which is the school sixth most important priority).
3. Responsibilities:
-Initial preparatory measures: The Educational Design and Development Department
-Use and establishment at school: School principal
-Human resources supply: School principal
-Supervision, Support and financial resources supply: The Managing Director
-Critical research support: Educational design and development department
-Educational system and project support: Organizational Excellence department
-Control and audit: The quality control system group
4. Description:
4.1. The process of the year-end meeting (A.K.A the academic year meeting or IPA) is as thus:
1. Study and deliberation of reports, conclusions and other information about the students.
2. Discussion with the teachers about the students.
3. Preparation of the work plan and scheduling for each student.
4. Preparing the basic systems.
5. Sending invitations to the students’ parents.
6. Holding the meetings and noting necessary information.
7. Developing the academic year meeting reports.
8. Presenting a copy of the report to the design and academic development department.
9. Developing a comprehensive academic year report for each department.
10. Presenting the board of directors with a copy of the report.
4.2. The academic year meetings should be held separately for each student and not in groups.
4.3. It necessary for the next assistant directors/vice principals of the graduating students (6th & 9th graders) to attend at least 50% of the meeting, in order to familiarize and attract.
Synergistic Session
For more than two years, this series of meetings has been held weekly at Rahyar School. The idea behind these meetings was to foster dialogue among colleagues, to provide them with a space to share their thoughts and feelings, and to exchange ideas on common topics and issues. All full-time and main employees are present: Branch Manager, The organizational Excellence Deputy, School Psychology Consultant, Grade
Administrators, Classroom teachers, Executive Directors and Department Deputies. The topics of these meetings can be categorized into several areas:
1. Case study of school events or student-related topics.
2. Discussion and exchange of views on professional issues of teachers and colleagues.
3. Discussion and exchange of views on educational topics for students; such
as: evaluation, quality assignment, teaching methods, etc.
4. Discussion and exchange of views on disciplinary issues of students.
5. Discussion and exchange of views on the approach of the Choice Theory and how to spread it throughout the school system. The regular presence of School Psychology Consultant in these meetings, who is an official trainer of the Better Choice Institute, will enable teachers to discuss each topic in the language of the choice theory, the problem solving method
based on responsibility, and Socratic questioning. In a way, they will receive
supervision sessions continuously and weekly.
One of the functions of these meetings is to assess School Teachers’ education
and capacity. For example, four need-based training courses have been designed
and implemented to date from the heart of these series of meetings.
1. Quality assessment – September and October 2023
2. Understanding adolescence and adolescent coaching based on the theory of
choice – December 2023
3. Retraining in the theory of choice – July 20244. Introduction to the quality school – September 2024

In the second section, small groups of families, about 15 families, are invited toattend the event with their children to learn about the school's overall educational and nurturance approach. In this event, students go to workshops and under the supervision of a tutor, engage in ideation and simple handicraft construction. At the same time, families attend a separate meeting with the principal, grade administrator, classroom teachers, and school Psychology onsultant. The following topics are discussed in this meeting:
1. Explanation of the school's educational and educational approach
2. Impact of quality relationships on student success and satisfaction
3. Screening and review of an animation related to the field of education and
4. Answering the concerns and questions of families
5. General explanation of the choice theory approach to education and
Hosting a Student Recruitment Event:
In this section, the teachers who have the most presence and impact in their interaction with students, through the design of creative and attractive programs in their field of study, accompany them to take the first steps in establishing a
quality relationship with students, in addition to presenting and displaying their work style. This event will often include science, math, Farsi, and science labs.
Start-Of-Year Meeting:
This meeting is held individually by the classroom teachers. In addition to getting to know the student's parents, the classroom teacher also gathers useful information about the studentindividual characteristics, personality, abilities,
and special circumstances. The teacher also explains the educational process, teaching methods and style, assessment, and communication methods between the teacher and the family. These meetings are held based on a document prepared specifically for this process.
1. Definition:
Precise, clear and unconditional cognition is one of the major tools of quality relationships and quality environments. William Glasser, in his book The Control Theory Manager, suggests a list of the six aspects of introduction which can provide an effective and appropriate basis for this form of cognition. Glasser lead-introduction (GLI) is a set of actions relying on precise, clear and unconditional declaration of the six aspects of Glasser acquaintance and introduction method
which a principal, a teacher, an executive, a coach, an officer, a supervisor, a counselor and etc should accomplish during their time with their audience. These actions should be done in forms of mandatory and perpetual works, with preparation and design in advance.
2. Missions and Goals:
2.1. Developing a basis for precise introduction for the principal, the executives, teachers,
counselors, coaches and etc.
2.2. Creating the necessary opportunity for the first steps of strategic leadership in various fields.
3. Responsibilities:
-Initial preparatory measures: The Educational Design and Development Department
-Use and establishment at school: School principal
-Human resources supply: School principal
-Supervision, Support and financial resources supply: The Managing Director
-Critical research support: Educational design and development department
-Educational system and project support: Organizational Excellence department
-Control and audit: The quality control system group
4. Description:
4.1. Phrases and definitions:
4.1.1. The six aspects of Glasser's lead introduction are as follows:1. Who am I? (individual, personal, academic and professional information alongside hobbies and
2. What are my values? (beliefs, opinions, ideas, mental stances, physical stances and etc.)
3. What are my expectations? (From my coworkers, my students, my audience, what should they
do? how should they behave? what responsibilities should they have?)
4. What are things I don't expect? (From my coworkers, my students, my audience, what shouldnt
they do? how shouldnt they behave? what responsibilities shouldnt they have?)
5. What do I do? (For my coworkers, my students, my audience, what should I do? how should I behave? what responsibilities should I have?)
6. What dont I do? (For my coworkers, my students, my audience, what shouldnt I do?, how
shouldnt I behave?, what responsibilities shouldnt I have?)
4.1.2. Glasser lead-introduction handbook:
A set of manuals for providing lead-introduction in different levels of school and similar organizations which helps individuals lead with more ease and preparation. This handbook, specifically, includes the ten items listed below for the work domain.
4.2. Work domain:
The application of the idea of lead-introduction can include all relationships of the individuals in
leading positions and will certainly be commended and appreciated. However, the application of
this innovation for the following individuals in a mandatory step towards creating and improving a
quality environment and lead-introduction should be organized and thoroughly prepared.
1. Lead-introduction of the managers in the presence of their employees.
2. Lead-introduction of the principal in the presence of the students.
3. Lead-introduction of the principal in the presence of the parents.
4. Lead-introduction of the teachers in the presence of the students.
5. Lead-introduction of the teachers in the presence of the parents.
6. Lead-introduction of the executive officers in the presence of the students.
7. Lead-introduction of the executive officers in the presence of the parents.
8. Lead-introduction of the counselors in the presence of the students.
9. Lead-introduction of the counselors in the presence of the parents.
10. Lead-introduction of the lecturer of a certain course in the presence of the participants.4.3. Provision and editing the handbook:
4.3.1. Glasser's lead-introduction handbook, in form of defining assigning responsibilities, should
have the following properties:
1. Full awareness regarding the situation and necessities of the relationship between the principal,
the teachers, the students and the parents at schools (& at Rahyar.)
2. Sufficient capabilities regarding the implementation of the language of choice theory.
3. Full awareness regarding the concepts and the teachings of choice theory, especially the lead-
introduction model.
4.3.2. Steps of developing the GLI handbook:
1. Defining the project (aims, domains, duration, etc).
2. Determining the project lead and team.
3. Initial studies and sample gathering.
4. Planning and distributing the responsibilities.
5. Provision of the text.
6. Recording expert opinions.
7. Final approval by the organizational transcendence department.
8. Unveiling the handbook alongside instruction of use.
9. Systematic distribution of the handbook.
10. Annual revisions and editing of the handbook.
4.4. Implementation of the handbook:
4.4.1 Lead-introduction can be implemented in written, spoken and written-spoken methods. Of the
three aforementioned methods, the written-spoken method, in which the first step is done in
person and through spoken ways followed by the second step which includes the written form, has
been proven to be the most efficient way.
4.4.2. In order to distribute the notes, we can take advantage of any of these events:
-The student-parent meeting
-The regular classes
-The Counseling sessions-Free discussion groups
-Unofficial meeting
We can also use lectures done in multiple sessions (in person) to distribute the ideas too. What is
important is that a clear design of the work should be developed in order to avoid confusion.
Organizational chart of Rahyar Educational Complex

Organizational chart of Rahyar Middle School (Poonak Branch)

List of Educational courses that Middle school staff have attended
1: Introduction to Rahyar Strategic Plan
2: Introduction to Recruitment process and job interview principles
3: Introduction to Quality Management System
4: ISO 9001:2015 requirements
5: Product Development (Process Approach) Workshop 5
6: Introduction to Human Resource Management and Organizational culture
7: Basic Assessment in the process of recruitment Workshop
8: Introduction to Sociability Process
9: Leadership (Abu Dhabi)
10: Synergistic Leadership Sessions
11: Transformational Management
12: Introduction to Developmental Psychology Approaches
13: Developmental Psychology
14: Anger Management Skill
15: The Power of Now Workshop
16: Mission Control Workshop
Effective Communication Workshop 17
18: Teen Coaching Workshop
19: Introduction to Cooperative Learning
20: Introduction to UBD (Understanding by Design) approach
21: UBD Workshop
22. Figures of Speech for 6 th to 9 th graders teachers
23: Writing and Editing Workshop
24: Report Writing Workshop
25: Introduction to Fire Safety
26: First Aid Training
27: Instagram Marketing Workshop
28: LMS (Learning Management System) Workshop
29:Practical Excel Workshop
30: Introduction to Excel
31: Advanced Excel
32: Introduction to PowerPoint
33: Advanced Word
34: Introduction to Google Colander
35: Introduction to Corel Draw
36: Introduction to MSP
37: First National ‘’Creativity and Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Schools’’ Conference
38: Recitation of Work Process, Personnel Rules and Organizational Culture
39: A series of workshops for developing annual plans for Middle School Grade Administrators
40: A series of workshops for developing annual plans for Middle School Deputies
41: A series of workshops for developing annual plans for High School Deputies
42: A series of workshops for developing annual plans for Middle School Cultural Deputy
43: Introduction to Growth and Learning Characteristics of Middle School Students
44: How to act, react and communicate with Middle School students (For Deputies)
45: How to act, react and communicate with Middle School students (For Grade Administrator)
46: How to communicate with Middle School students’ Parents (For Grade Administrator)
47: How to communicate with Middle School students’ Parents (For Deputies)
48: How to communicate with High School students’ Parents (For Deputies)
49: How to communicate with Middle School Teachers (For Deputies)
50: How to communicate with Middle School Teachers (For Grade Administrator)
51: Introduction to Physics College Project
We at Rahyar School strive to prepare students for a better life. This means a life that is responsible and fulfilling, where students can discover and develop their talents and interests and add to their lived experience.
One of Rahyar School’s initiatives in this regard is the organization of educational-recreational school trips. In the context of these school trips, which can be one-day or multi-day, students learn how to live in a larger social group, recognize and implement its conventions and requirements, in addition to practicing independence from their families. Rahyar’s school trips are always designed and implemented with the goal of practicing responsible living and increasing the personal experience of adolescents.
Also, Rahyar strives to create a platform for identifying and nurturing the diverse talents of students by holding student festivals. These include events held to commemorate Iranian literary and cultural figures, or festivals such as the Student Music Festival or the Children’s Crafts Festival. In these events, a number of students are responsible for the organization and execution of the program, and they do this under the guidance of their mentor in order to gain experience in executive work and practice responsibility.
It is important for us at Rahyar School that students are concerned about their fellow human beings and consider their happiness to be important to themselves. We use the opportunity we have in Persian literature, social studies, and thinking and lifestyle classes to teach and practice this social value. In practice, we also design joint activities between the school, the student, and their family, according to some calendar occasions, so that in addition to doing a group activity, we can do something for the benefit of society. This is so that the adolescent can learn and practice that some activities can have both individual fulfillment and social benefit.
For example, we can refer to the Rahyar Traditional Food Festival, the proceeds of which are donated to charity; we can also include the activity of helping the poor on the occasion of Yalda Night in this category.
One of Rahyar’s concerns is to establish a quality and constructive relationship between the student, their family, and the school’s staff. To this end, a “One Day with Family” event is held at the school, in which students come to school with their families and spend hours together with the school’s staff in group activities and recreation. In this event, none of the activities are competitive and are done jointly between students, parents, and school staff.
Well-being and Happiness
We at Rahyar School strive to prepare students for a better life. This means a life that is responsible and fulfilling, where students can discover and develop their talents and interests and add to their lived experience.
One of Rahyar School nitiatives in this regard is the organization of educational recreational school trips. In the context of these school trips, which can be one day or multi-day, students learn how to live in a larger social group, recognize andimplement its conventions and requirements, in addition to practicing independence from their families. Rahyar school trips are always designed and implemented with the goal of practicing responsible living and increasing the personal experience of adolescents.Also, Rahyar strives to create a platform for identifying and nurturing the diverse talents of students by holding student festivals. These include events held to commemorate Iranian literary and cultural figures, or festivals such as the Student Music Festival or the Children's Crafts Festival. In these events, a number of students are responsible for the organization and execution of the program, and they do this under the guidance of their mentor in order to gain experience in executive work and practice responsibility.
It is important for us at Rahyar School that students are concerned about their fellow human beings and consider their happiness to be important to themselves.
We use the opportunity we have in Persian literature, social studies, and thinking and lifestyle classes to teach and practice this social value. In practice, we alsodesign joint activities between the school, the student, and their family, according to some calendar occasions, so that in addition to doing a group activity, we can do something for the benefit of society. This is so that the adolescent can learn and practice that some activities can have both individual fulfillment and social benefit.
For example, we can refer to the Rahyar Traditional Food Festival, the proceeds of which are donated to charity; we can also include the activity of helping the poor on the occasion of Yalda Night in this category.
One of Rahyar's concerns is to establish a quality and constructive relationship between the student, their family, and the school's staff. To this end, a "One Day with Family" event is held at the school, in which students come to school with their families and spend hours together with the school's staff in group activities and recreation. In this event, none of the activities are competitive and are done jointly between students, parents, and school staff.
Strategic Plan
2. Rahyar’s outlook
Rahyar will be a progressive educational institute in offering a successful standard of modern, scientific
and technological education.
3. Rahyar’s mission statement
Rahyar is a private educational institute consisting of units and various educational departments that
offers education from early childhood education to secondary education. Rahyar functions nationwide
with a focus on the four main objectives of 21 st century education:
Learning for knowing
Learning for doing
Learning for living
Learning for coexisting
Rahyar's mission is to provide necessary infrastructure, resources, and framework for offering
educational services in the form of a quality school 1 to talented students, (with a priority in attracting
underprivileged students) with the focus on essential guidelines below:
1. Nurturing people with impactful religious, ethical and cultural beliefs
2. Nurturing people with necessary abilities for a creative and effective role in the society
3. Nurturing people with necessary skills for living in the complex, evolved progressive world as adults
4. Nurturing people with necessary skills for continuing their education to higher education and above
1 Quality school is a school that is based on warm, caring relationships, focuses on the useful and
relevant application of knowledge with a goal of competence, and uses a lead-management approach to
promote self-evaluation and continual improvement.
4. Rahyar’s values
4-1. Fundamental Values
In every plans, activities and proceedings in order to fulfill its missions, and in general on every step
ahead, Rahyar will always commit to uphold its own fundamental 2 values that are listed below:
Deep attention and respect for religious values and beliefs based on cogitation
Deep attention and respect for human being’s ability to grow and elevation
4-2. Institutional values 3
Rahyar’s institutional values are the guide and director of Rahyar's various departments and
branches to pursuit missions, achieve visions and strategic goals are as follows:
Learning and Advancement
Institutional allegiance
Adherence to ethical principles
Grade administrator
- Job Description
Job Title | Immediate Supervisor | Branch |
Grade Administrator | Middle School Principal | Middle School |
- Job’s aim:
Developing integrity and alignment in yearly planning for student’s academic activities by participating in organizational assemblies, cooperating with executives and also consistent and effective relationship with the principal, teachers, parents and students with the aim of guaranteeing all students’ learning.
- Job Aspects:
Weekly Hours | N. of students under supervision | N. of Classroom teachers and teachers |
44 hours | 75-150 | 6-12 |
4.Key responsibilities:
- Provision of the plan for the yearly activities based on the documents and standards of Rahyar and allegations and circulatory of the ministry of education with the aim of establishment in various departments and complete coverage of the topics.
- Managing, pursuing and confirming the topics presented by the teachers based on the discussions in the meetings, supervising the preparations and education for all students in classes based on the topics chosen by the ministry of education, confirmed lesson plans, allegations of quality schools, documents and standards of Rahyar such as comprehensive documents of innovations (fundamental needs in classes, co-operative learning, daily games, weekly assessments and etc) with the aim of completely fulfilling the tasks.
- Planning, establishment and supervision over yearly nurturing, educational and extracurricular activities such as tournaments, festivals, studious activities, fieldtrips and etc by providing proposals in the educational council meeting, and establishing in the implementation calendar with the following aims:
– Assuring achievement of the aims and goals and compliance regarding the academic framework and Rahyar’s allegations such as providing documents based on instructions and regulations.
– Providing feedback regarding the policies and methods and improvement plans
- Supervision on the durability of the plan and academic and behavior assessments (communicational, disciplinary and sanitary) of each student and the activities done by each grades executive towards improving students status based on the documents and standards of Rahyar by effective observation and various activities (all of the classes, breaks, trips, festivals and etc) in order to:
– Assuring achievement of all of the quality school’s aims
– Providing opinions and ideas alongside important information regarding student’s academic and behavior status.
- Consistent checking of the tools, methods, and rules used in teaching, assessment, classroom management, extracurricular activities and etc in order to provide suggestions toward achieving the aims of quality schools.
- Planning and implementing the beginning and year-end meetings with each student and their parents based on respective documents and aims:
- Introducing approaches and academic aims of Rahyar to the parents.
- Identifying parents’ expectations, concluding and reporting to the executives.
- Establishing consistent communication with the students
- Planning and implementing activities regarding home-school communication such as parent-teacher meetings, handling the responsibility of answering the calls and in-person attendances, gathering data for announcements and sending messages to the parents, also planning and implementing educational activities and counseling meetings with the aim of reassuring establishment of the plan and cooperation from the parents.
- Planning and implementation of all activities regarding new students such as entry tests, students’ interviews, parent introductions and following approvals regarding student’s durability after entry.
- Cooperating with the class and lesson’s teachers’ hiring based on the administrator’s discretion and Rahyar’s documents and standards, leading and instructing new coworkers and co-operating in regard to quality control of the new hires based on the standards of quality schools and ensuring achievement of their aims.
- Effective attendance in meetings and gatherings based on the standards towards achieving the designed plans in such meetings and sharing thoughts and ideas and experiences while being notified of any final decisions.
- Consistent relationship and connection with the teachers and notifying them of any important announcements in forms of meetings (in groups or individually) to ensure updating and receiving thoughts and suggestions.
- Organizing classes (classification in grades) and allocating teachers to each class based on school’s policies.
- Choosing substitute teachers for each class or lesson in case of absences to ensure safety, organization and security of the students. Notifying and announcing long-term leaves to the administrator for problem solving.
5.General Responsibilities:
- Adherence to the organizational behavior regulations and keeping to the standards of Rahyar.
- Recording and documenting all results of the activities based on Rahyar’s documents and standards in order to cover all quality standards.
- Confidentiality of documents and organizational data and safekeeping of the physical and moral properties of Rahyar.
- Punctuality based on the working hours agreed upon in the contract.
- Attendance at the pre-planned academic courses of Rahyar.
- Attendance at the meetings, effective co-operation regarding designs and accepting responsibilities in order to solve problems.
- Complete implementation of rules, regulations, safety and sanitary measures and principles and anything of sort related to the place of work.
- Receiving lesson plans presented by the teachers and presenting feedback to improve and modify.
- Implementing effective and diverse methods and techniques in regards to relationships with the teachers, students and their parents.
- Using the right classification methods for organizing students’ classes based on standards of Rahyar.
- Checking in on students and presenting them with solutions on their possible academic or behavior problems.
- Choosing the right replacement for the absent teachers in form of substitutes.
7.Inner-organizational relationships:
- The administrator
- The teachers
- The students
- Other coworkers
8.Outer-organizational relationships:
- The parents
- The ministry of education
- Academic, cultural and artistic assemblies
- Education, experience and age:
– Minimum education requirement: Bachelor’s degree
– Minimum full-time work experience: 7 years
– Minimum full-time teaching or admin experience outside Rahyar: 3 years
– Minimum full-time experience working at Rahyar: 3 years
– Minimum age requirement: 30 years of age
– Familiarity with Computers and the internet and the MS Office family of applications
– Physical health capability for the job
- Knowledge, skill and competency:
Level 1:
– Capability of organizing and planning activities such as lesson planning, complete knowledge of the lessons and knowledge of student assessment
– Familiarity with the modern methods of teaching and the rules and regulations of teaching
– Completing the courses related to quality schooling
– Communication skills (verbally or non-verbally)
Level 2:
– Emotional self-awareness and control
– Sympathy
– Anger management and patience
– Familiarity with the principles of the process of questioning
– Management skill
– Creativity, Problem solving and decision making abilities
– Discussion skill
– Systemic thinking
– Critic thinking
– Strategic thinking
– Multi-tasking
– Discipline and precision
families Training
One of the major concerns in Rahyar school is to find a proper way to involve and familiarize students’ families with The Choice Theory’s language and approach. The importance of this matter rises from the fact that school and family are two main factors which help students to reach their goals and therefore, compatibility between these two factors is of utmost priority.
To achieve this goal, educating students’ families in The Choice Theory carries in two different ways. One is Family education workshop and the other is Familiarizing parents with the basics of The Choice Theory using social media.
- Family Education Workshop
This workshop is held twice a month in 1.5- hour sessions. This workshop’s instructor is an official certified representative of ‘’Better Choice institute’’. Homeroom teachers, grade administrators, and deputy of D&E department also attend these sessions as facilitator. Parents pf of 7th, 8th, and 9th graders can attend this workshop. Attendance is voluntary but school strongly advices the families to attend this workshop.
These workshops’ main approaches are listed below:
- Understanding the basics of The Choice Theory
- Understanding the importance of effective communication between parents and children
- Introducing and explaining the concept of responsibility in children
- Acquiring a general understanding of developmental psychology and adolescence
The basic headings of these session is brought in the following table:
place | time | date | Session’s outline | Line |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, October 23rd | The choice Theory – Leader Parent – Being Responsible – Children’s Satisdaction | 1 |
Meeting hall | 15:00 | Monday, November 6th | e choice Theory – Leader Parent – Being Responsible – Children’s Satisdaction | 2 |
Meeting hall | 15:00 | Monday, November 20th | How do leader parents act? | 3 |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, November 27th | Parents as Leaders: conflicts and challenges with teenagers | 4 |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, December 11th | Parents as Leaders: Characteristics of development in teenagers (Identity Styles) | 5 |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, December 25th | Parents as Leaders: Characteristics of development in teenagers (Identity Styles) | 6 |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, January 8th | Parents as Leaders: The process of adolescence and its challenges in teenagers | 7 |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, January 22nd | Parents as leaders:Developing Emotional and social intelligence in teengers | 8 |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, February 5th | Parents as Leaders: Resillience in teenagers | 9 |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, February 19th | Parents as Leaders: Resillience in teenagers | 10 |
Meeting Hall | 15:00 | Monday, March 4th | Parents as leaders: identification and education of social values to teenagers | 11 |
- Familiarizing parents with the basics of The Choice Theory using social media
For this matter and to make use of full capacity of social media, some excerpts from books related to The Choice Theory are given to parents. These excerpts will be posted via communication channels between homeroom teachers and Grade Adminastrator with parents.
These excerpts are extracted from the following books:
- Glasser William, 1999, Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom, Harper Perennial.
- Glasser, William, 2000, Every Student Can Succeed, The William Glasser Institute
- Glasser, William, 2011, Take Charge of Your life: How to Get What You Need with Choice-Theory Psychology, The William Glasser Institute
- Sahebi, Ali, 2022, The Choice Theory at School, Sayeh Sokhan Publications.
Start-of-year Meeting
- Definition:
The Start-of-year meeting is an exclusive meeting between a grade administrator and each student and their parents. This meeting happens at the beginning of a school year, between August and September. It takes 15 to 60 minutes.
- Goals and Missions:
2-1. Creating an opportunity and appropriate environment for getting to know each other and setting expectations for both grade administrator and parents for the educational year ahead
2-2. Grasping student and parents’ boundaries, expectations, requirements and suggestions
2-3. Discuss school’s culture, values, expectations, plans and events for the school year ahead
2-4. Taking the first step for engaging parents in student’s learning process (Quality School’s 1st principle)
2-5. Taking the first step to creating a dynamic learning environment through persistent and diligent cooperation between students, parents and teachers (Quality School’s 1st principle)
2-6. Strengthening the belief in students and parents that the school has the utmost interest in them and their progress (Quality School’s 6th principle)
- Responsibilities:
- Initial preparatory measures: Design and Development department
- Application and deployment at school: School Principal
- Human Resource Recruitment: School Principal
- Supervise, support and financial support: Managing Director
- Technical and research backup: Design and Development department
- System and Project Knowledge Support: Organizational Excellence Department
- Control and Audit: Quality Management Department
- Description
4-1: The process of the Start-of-year meeting is as it follows:
Start 1. Reading and examining reports, results and other data about the students 2. Preparing the agenda and schedule for each student’s meeting 3. Preparing system groundwork 4. Sending invitation and one ‘’Introduction to Rahyar for students and parents’’ brochure along with it 5. Holding the meeting and recording the necessary data 6. Making the final report of Start-of-year Meeting
- Presenting a copy to Educational Design and Development Department 8. Making comprehensive report of the Start-of-year meetings per educational department 9. Presenting a copy to the Board of Directors Finish
4-2. The Start-of-year meetings is held individually for each student and should not be held in groups.
4-3. The necessary data that should be read and revised before a meeting is as it follows:
- Entrance exam results
- Student’s previous academic record
- Items recorded in the end-of-year meeting last year
- Items recorded in the entrance interview session (for new students)
4-4. While arranging the meeting’s schedule, note that new students are prioritize and more time would be allocated to them.
- Reminder: The start of the Year meeting for preschoolers and first graders at primary school is mandatory.
4-5. Grade administrators must submit a copy of the following documents to the Educational Design and Develop department:
- Their respective grade’s Start-of-year meetings schedule
- Their respective grade’s final report
4-6. The Start-of-year final reports would contain:
- The meeting schedule and a record of every person who was present at the meetings based on the students lists
- Statistical and numerical summary information (percentages, ratios, averages, comparisons, etc.)
- A List of parents and students’ main expectations and requirements
4-7. The Start-of-year comprehensive reports would contain:
- Statical and numerical data
- A list of primary expectations and requirement that parents and students expressed
4-8. It is necessary for the organizational excellence department to create a document containing the stages and workflow, regulations and requirements, as well as practical forms, including a form for recording conversations in the session, in order to ensure the quality of the end-of-year meetings and achieve the relevant goals and missions.
4-9. The organizational excellence department will control and audit the workflow and quality of work through conducting case audits and receiving and reviewing comprehensive reports from departments.
Weekly Meeting
Weekly Classroom Meeting is held for students of each class to talk about various issues related to the lessons and
the learning and teaching process. The following items will be on the agenda of these meetings in the form of
student presentations, group discussions, brainstorming, film and photo screenings, etc.:
– Expressing interests and aspirations
– Expressing memories and experiences
– Identifying and discussing problems in the class and school
– Providing informal education
– Providing guidance and counseling
– Providing other information and news
2. Goals and Missions:
1. Creating a permanent and communal platform for students to express their thoughts, feelings, perspectives,
demands, and complaints, and to be heard by others.
2. Creating a permanent and communal platform for teachers and the school to build trust and acceptance with
students, and to be heard by students directly.
3. Creating a platform for practicing communication skills, honest listening, dialogue and negotiation skills,
logical thinking, critical thinking, questioning and analytical power, and self-learning and collaborative
4. Creating and strengthening the basis for the emergence of constructive habits and behaviors and practicing these
habits and behaviors.
5. Receiving and transferring the views, suggestions, criticisms, and problems of students to school officials.
3. Responsibilities:
-Initial preparatory measures: The Educational Design and
Development Department
-Use and establishment at school: School principal
-Human resources supply: School principal
-Supervision, Support and financial resources supply: The Managing
-Critical research support: Educational design and development
-Educational system and project support: Organizational Excellence
-Control and audit: The quality control system group
4. Description:
4.1. Phrases and definitions:
4.1.1. Weekly Classroom Meeting Comprehensive Plan:
The comprehensive plan for classroom meetings is a set of twelve plans for twelve grades. Each of
these plans will be a one-year program for managing classroom meetings, which contains the title and
a brief summary of the main ideas, topics and activities necessary and suggested for holding these
meetings, and is prepared and developed in the form of a weekly or monthly schedule.
Reminder 1: The comprehensive plan for classroom meetings, after being prepared and
developed, will be approved by the Organizational Excellence Department.
Reminder 2: The comprehensive plan for classroom meetings for each educational grade will
be rewritten by the classroom teacher in September of each year to ensure that it is fully
aligned with the following:
– The calendar for the relevant academic year
– The location of the venue for classroom meetings
– The type of facilities, equipment, spaces, and other available resources
مجتمع آموزشي رهيار سند جامع ابتکارات مدرسه کیفی نشست هفتگی کلاسی
Weekly Classroom Meeting (WCM)
واحد تعالی سازمانی Quality School Initiatives (QSI) GQS-R-I02 (R1)
کد سند جامع: RBD-GQS-D10 ایجاد : 07/04/97
صفحه: 2 از 2
The revised plan will then be approved by the relevant grade adminstrator and the school
4.2. Requirements and notes:
4.2.1. The management, leadership, and facilitation of discussions, presentations, activities, etc. in weekly
classroom meetings is the responsibility of the classroom teacher and, in his absence, the grade
4.2.2. It is necessary that school officials also attend classroom meetings in order to strengthen the goals and
objectives of classroom meetings, as follows:
Principal: At least 1 meeting per class per academic year
Grade Adminstrator: At least 3 meetings per class per academic year
Discipline Vice Principal: At least 2 meetings per academic year
Development and Excellence Deputy: At least 2 meetings per academic year
Reminder: In order to avoid disruption of the overall flow of classroom meetings, it
is better for responsible individuals participating in classroom meetings to be present
in these meetings for information only, and to only enter into discussions,
conversations, and activities when students or the classroom teacher request it.
4.2.3. The duration of each classroom meeting will be at least half and at most one class period per week.
Basic class needs
Establishing suitable atmosphere and environment in the classroom, in a way that the teacher and students
can satisfy their basic needs in the process and teaching and learning.
The basic needs based on William Glasser’s the choice theory is as it follows:
1. Survival 2. Fun 3. Love & Belonging 4. Freedom 5. Power
2- Goals and Missions:
1. Establishing Quality Environment in the classroom for teaching and learning (Positive, supportive,
reliable and efficient environment)
2. Reinforcement and promote the effect of educational innovations
3. Omit and decrease in using destructive, irresponsible and ineffective behavior by teacher and students
3- Responsibilities
1. Initial preparatory measures: Design and Development department
2. Application and deployment at school: School Principal
3. Human Resource Recruitment: School Principal
4. Supervise, support and financial support: Managing Director
5. Technical and research backup: Design and Development department
6. System and Project Knowledge Support: Organizational Excellence Department
7. Control and Audit: Quality Management Department
1. Definition:
1-1. Definition of Innovation
Establishing a new institutional role for each class, titled as ‘Class
Teacher (CT),' bridging the gap between the roles of headquarters and
queue in schools. This aims to optimize the utilization of teaching
capacities as a key role alongside other key roles within the school.
1-2. CT would not only teach some school subject to students, but also is
responsible for class’s education. Education in this context means the
growth and development of the individual and group aspects of the
students of the class in terms of skills, behavior, communication, and
attitude (being and doing) in addition to the cognitive and technical
1-3. Primary roles of a classroom teacher:
1. To be and to act according to the ‘’Quality Teacher’’ principles
present a solid model of this role
2. Teach several school subjects
3. Constantly observing the academic status of each student in the
4. Constantly observing the behavioral and communicative status of
each student in the class
5. Holds classes, activities, and events related to the growth and
development of the individual and group aspects of the students of
the class in various educational aspects.
6. Persistence on the realization and implementation of the
educational requirements for students in the ‘’Rahyar foundational
documents’’ (student capabilities, cultural characteristics, etc.).
7. Persistence on the realization and implementation of the
requirements for creating a quality class (quality classroom
environment, quality class relationships, quality education,
competency-based education)
8. Monitor the learning process of the students of the class, outside the
classroom (student activities, complementary activities,
extracurricular and special activities at school and homework and
learning activities at home)
9. Provide academic, educational, behavioral, and communicative
counseling for students in the class
مجتمع آموزشي رهيار سند جامع ابتکارات مدرسه کیفی معلم کلاس
Classroom Teacher (CT)
واحد تعالی سازمانی Quality School Initiatives (QSI) GQS-O-I01 (R1)
کد سند جامع: RBD-GQS-D10 ایجاد : 07/04/97
صفحه: 2 از 4
10. Communicate with the parents of students, other classroom
teachers, and school staff in order to improve performance and
quality in their respective class
11. Hold and manage weekly classroom meetings, circle-ups, Connecting
Place, and other similar Innovations
12. Joining Elementary Educational Council
2. Goals and Missions
1. continuous, one-by-one monitoring (assessment) of student's education and
learning status
2. Establishing qualitative communication with students at a closer, broader
and deeper level of connection
3. Creating necessary foundations for the formation of the" qualitative
teacher" idea and the developing its objective pattern
4. Creating the necessary foundations for the formation of the "qualitative
class" idea and the class based on competence and merit
5. Reinforcing and deepening the student's learning level (education,
counseling, management) through the development of grade
administrator’s guidance and the development of the class teacher's
3. Responsibilities:
Initial preparatory measures: Design and Development department
Application and deployment at school: School Principal
Human Resource Recruitment: School Principal
Supervise, support and financial support: Managing Director
Technical and research backup: Design and Development department
System and Project Knowledge Support: Organizational Excellence
Control and Audit: Quality Management Department
4. Description
4.1. Terms and Definitions
4.1.1. Competence-Based Teaching
an education which is built based on the following
fundamental belief: All students have the necessary capacity
and competency to reach the stage of learning competency
(LC) in all the school subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to
give them all adequate opportunities and supplementary
assistance, alongside the qualitative education (teaching) in
مجتمع آموزشي رهيار سند جامع ابتکارات مدرسه کیفی معلم کلاس
Classroom Teacher (CT)
واحد تعالی سازمانی Quality School Initiatives (QSI) GQS-O-I01 (R1)
کد سند جامع: RBD-GQS-D10 ایجاد : 07/04/97
صفحه: 3 از 4
order to make them reach the required level of competence.
In other words, Competence-Based Teaching is grounded in
this belief that "all students have the general capacity to
learn, and each one of them can succeed" and does form and
work based on that.
4.1.2. Weekly Classroom Meeting
Weekly sessions where students from each class gather to
discuss various class-related issues, guided and
facilitated by the class teacher
4.1.3. Circle-Ups
Gathering related students to discuss a certain issue
together, regarding academic, behavioral and
communicational domains for an effective and
responsible solution under the supervision and the
facilitation of the class teacher.
4.1.4. Connecting Place
A place outside of the classroom for students who need to
leave the classroom temporarily. In that place, Students
try to solve their issues effectively and responsibly
through reflection, self-assessment, counseling, and
feedback with the presence and assistance of the
classroom teacher, Grade Administrator and the
Psychological counselor.
Students who need to temporarily leave the classroom
only include those whose presence disrupts the class
activities and the teaching and learning process for other
students. Therefore, it does not encompass cases such as
neglecting assignments, inattention to the teacher's
instruction, etc.
4.1.5. Foundational Education Council
Weekly sessions attended by classroom teachers, for the
purpose of discussion, debate, examination, and decision-
making regarding the continuous monitoring, control,
and improvement of education and developmental
affairs within the relevant academic level. (The middle
school administrator and Excellence Department deputy
can attend the session based on the corresponding topic.)
مجتمع آموزشي رهيار سند جامع ابتکارات مدرسه کیفی معلم کلاس
Classroom Teacher (CT)
واحد تعالی سازمانی Quality School Initiatives (QSI) GQS-O-I01 (R1)
کد سند جامع: RBD-GQS-D10 ایجاد : 07/04/97
صفحه: 4 از 4
4.2. Job Description of Classroom Teacher (CMT) in the
Organizational Structure:
4.2.1. The classroom teacher is a formal organizational
position and one of the primary roles in the school's
organizational structure, defined under the purview of
the grade administrator. Other primary roles in the
school's organizational structure include: school
principal, The Excellence Department Deputy, grade
administrator, and Executive Deputy.
4.2.2. Classroom Teacher is a full-time employee which is a
contractual and permanent personnel.
4.2.3. The selection of classroom teachers is subject to the
documents related to the recruitment of contractual and
permanent personnel, and their employment will only
take place after the approval of the employment
4.2.4. In order to ensure an adequate level of contact with
students for the advancement of educational goals, the
class teacher must dedicate a minimum of 60% of their
weekly working hours to teaching in their respective
class. This teaching time can be increased up to a
maximum of 75% for the same class or other classes.
4.2.5. . The classroom teacher can take responsibility for
teaching any subject in which they specialize; however,
teaching the fundamental subjects of each class is
prioritized for the classroom teacher.
4.2.6. Although the Primary School’s first to third-grade
classes’ teachers have the great potential to quickly
assume the role of "classroom teacher" in these grades,
however, their current roles do not encompass the
defined role of the classroom teacher
4.3. Innovation Introductory Actions:
By Innovation Introductory Actions, we mean the initial steps
which lay the foundations and necessary infrastructure for the
implementation and execution of this innovation. These actions
are outlined as follows:
مجتمع آموزشي رهيار سند جامع ابتکارات مدرسه کیفی معلم کلاس
Classroom Teacher (CT)
واحد تعالی سازمانی Quality School Initiatives (QSI) GQS-O-I01 (R1)
کد سند جامع: RBD-GQS-D10 ایجاد : 07/04/97
صفحه: 5 از 4
1. Designing and planning actions: Work plan, system
documents, planning and design of educational and
justificatory actions, systemic actions, etc.
2. Selecting and Appointing the classroom teachers
3. Defining and explaining the detailed description of the role of
the classroom teacher to the selected individuals
4. Accepting and Choosing the roles by the selected individuals
5. Designing and implementing the necessary educational and
justificatory programs and courses for the classroom teachers,
(Especially in the domains such as The Choice Theory, Quality
School, and Strategic Plan)
6. Conducting informative and justificatory programs for other
teachers and colleagues
7. Conducting Informational and justificatory programs for
8. Conducting Informational and justificatory programs for
4.4. Criteria for the "classroom Teacher" selection (Eligibility
The main criteria for selecting candidates as classroom teachers:
1. Minimum three years of teaching experience, full-time or
nearly full-time positions
2. Minimum one year of teaching experience, full-time or nearly
full-time positions at Rahyar
3. Ability to teach and instruct more than one subject from the
fundamental subjects in their respective grade
4. Embracing Rahyar's concerns and perspectives in various
educational, cultural, and organizational aspects
5. Familiarity with current knowledge and techniques in the field
of teaching and learning
6. Familiarity with the "Choice Theory" (up to at least a
minimum of two formal courses)
7. Familiarity with Rahyar's strategic plan and other
foundational documents
8. Possessing the ability to communicate, converse, guide and
negotiate with student
Every Day a Game
1. Definition:
Everyday play a game means conducting at least one game during the school day in the class every day, by teachers as a part of the
class activities
2. Goals and missions:
1. Satisfying students’ need for recreation in the classroom
2. Creating and strengthening a lively and vibrant learning environment
3. Strengthening the enthusiasm for learning different subjects
in the students
4. Creating opportunities to strengthen and deepen the
relationships between students and the feeling of pleasure
from being together
5. Creating opportunities to strengthen the communication
skills, teamwork and participation
3. Responsibilities:
1. Initial preparatory measures: Design and Development
2. Application and deployment at school: School Principal
3. Human Resource Recruitment: School Principal
4. Supervise, support and financial support: Managing Director
5. Technical and research backup: Design and Development
6. System and Project Knowledge Support: Organizational
Excellence Department
7. Control and Audit: Quality Management Department
4. Description:
4-1: Terms and Definitions:
4-1-1: Classroom Games Handbook (CGH)
A handbook for teachers and other people involved,
which contains:
مجتمع آموزشي رهيار سند جامع ابتکارات مدرسه کیفی هر روز یک بازی
Everyday Play a Game (EPG)
واحد تعالی سازمانی Quality School Initiatives (QSI) GQS-U-I11 (R1)
کد سند جامع: RBD-GQS-D10 ایجاد : 07/04/97
صفحه: 2 از 2
– The importance of games in education and also in Educational
models that are used in Rahyar
– Introducing appropriate games for playing in the classroom, explaining how to do the game and appropriate age group for the said game
– Recommending books, websites or other suitable material
4-2: Requirements:
4-2-1. The EPG innovation views games as only games and not means for education; therefore, these games are not categorized in the following list. The list below are essential
quality activities and are not counted as EPG:
– Educational games that are played to teach
certain educational points
– Physical games (or warm-ups, exercise or ergonomic stretches) that are played to improve physical health and physical readiness or are done for the P.E. classes
– Games outside of the classroom, e.g. in break
times or school trips, etc.
– Single-player games
– Board games/Thinking games
– Variety of activities, e.g. showing movies, playing music, etc.
Reminder: It is needless to say that each game, whether if it is in the EPG plan or in the list
above, has different educational and
4-2-2. EPG should not take longer than 15 minutes.
4-2-3. During the voluntary test trial, if needed, instead of Everyday play a game, the following can be done:
– Every other day play a game
– Every three days play a game
– Every week play a game
مجتمع آموزشي رهيار سند جامع ابتکارات مدرسه کیفی هر روز یک بازی
Everyday Play a Game (EPG)
واحد تعالی سازمانی Quality School Initiatives (QSI) GQS-U-I11 (R1)
کد سند جامع: RBD-GQS-D10 ایجاد : 07/04/97
صفحه: 3 از 2
4-2-4. Games must not turn into competitions. They must be win-win games that would not make students feel Games must be win-win game. There must not be an individual winner.
4-2-5. It’s best to use new and creative games that students have not experienced before and are unfamiliar with, to create opportunities for new experience and educational exposure.